Terms of purchase and sale of goods

1. General conditions

1.1. These terms of purchase and sale of goods (hereinafter - "Terms") provide for the general conditions of the online store (hereinafter - "E-store"). The Terms are applicable if the Buyer chooses, orders and purchases the goods offered in the E-shop or uses the services provided by the E-shop in any other way.
1.2. E-store is a retail internet store, which is oriented towards consumers who purchase goods for personal, family, household needs, or for a purpose that is not related to their economic or professional activity.
1.3. The sale of goods in the e-shop is organized, fulfilled and the related services are provided to the Buyer by SIA "Cannelle Bakery", legal address: Satiksmes iela 3, Saldus, Saldus province, LV-3801, Latvia, registration no.: 40003146530, VAT payer code: LV40003146530 (hereinafter – "Seller"). Goods owned by the Seller are sold in the e-shop.
1.4. Buyers in these Terms are persons who shop in the E-store or use other E-store services. The following have the right to use the E-shop and shop in it: a) natural persons capable of acting, i.e. i.e., to persons who are aware of their obligation to pay for the ordered goods, and b) to legal persons on whose behalf executive bodies or authorized representatives act (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer").
1.5. By placing the order, the Buyer confirms that he has the right to shop in the E-store, that is, he complies with Clause 1.4 of the Rules. to the provisions of paragraph.1.6. Together with the order of goods submitted by the Buyer, these Terms become a contract concluded between the Buyer and the Seller and are a binding legal document for both parties. The contract is considered to be concluded if the Buyer prepares and submits a product order in the E-store, makes payment for it in accordance with the procedure and deadlines specified in the Regulations, and the Seller sends a confirmation that the Buyer's order has been accepted to the e-mail specified by the Buyer. The agreement is valid until the fulfillment of the obligations of the parties arising from this agreement. If the Seller establishes that the Buyer does not have the right to purchase the ordered goods, the contract for the sale of such goods shall be deemed not concluded, the goods cannot be sold to the Buyer, but the money paid for the goods shall be returned to the Buyer within 5 (five) working days from the scheduled delivery date. In that case, the Seller has the right to deduct the costs of delivery of the goods from the amount to be refunded to the Buyer. If the Buyer has not paid for the delivery of the goods in advance, but the goods cannot be handed over to the Buyer due to the above reasons, the Buyer must pay the Seller the costs of delivering the goods, which are equivalent to 5 EUR (five euros). The buyer also has the right to unilaterally cancel the order by sending an e-mail to the Seller at before starting the delivery of the order. In this case, the money paid by the Buyer for order fulfillment is transferred to the Buyer's account within 5 working days. In this case, the Seller is entitled to deduct the delivery fee from the amount to be refunded to the Buyer.
1.7. The buyer is not entitled to submit an order for goods in the E-store if he is not familiar with the Terms and (or) does not agree with them. In cases where the Buyer does not agree with the Terms or a certain part of them, he will not be able to order goods in the E-store. When ordering goods in the E-store, the Buyer is considered to have familiarized himself with the Terms and agrees to them.1.8. The seller reserves the right to unilaterally amend, correct or add to the Terms. When shopping in the E-store, the Terms are applicable to the Buyer, which are in force at the time of submitting the order and are published in the E-store, therefore the Buyer must familiarize himself with the Terms every time he makes a purchase. If the Buyer places an order after the amended Terms have been published in the E-store, it is considered that the Buyer has familiarized himself with the new amendments and agrees to them.
1.9. The Seller does not assume any risk or responsibility and is freed from it without any objections, if the Buyer has not familiarized himself with the Terms in part or in full, even though he was given such an opportunity.
1.10. Taking into account Rule 1.2. point and aiming to meet the needs of retail consumers first, the Seller reserves the right to limit purchases that have wholesale characteristics, that is, the Seller has the right to refuse to accept and (or) fulfill the Buyer's order(s) by electronically notifying the Buyer, if the Buyer orders unusual in retail large quantities of goods (regardless of whether the goods are ordered with one order or several orders submitted in a relatively short time) and (or) if the Buyer's order(s) have other characteristics of wholesale purchase.
1.11. In the event of important circumstances, the Seller may temporarily or completely terminate the operation of the E-store without prior notice to the Buyer. In this case, the Seller returns to the Buyers the money they paid for the undelivered orders within 5 working days.

2. Registration and processing of personal data

2.1. The buyer who wants to use the E-shop and buy the goods offered in it must fill out the Order form in the E-shop system at the time of placing the order. The following personal data of the Buyer must be indicated in the order form: name, surname, electronic mail address, delivery address of the goods, phone number registered in Latvia, other data necessary for the delivery of the goods. The authorized representative of the legal entity indicates the authorized person of the legal entity and his name instead of the first and last name.
2.2. The buyer is responsible for ensuring that the data provided in the order form is accurate, correct and complete. If the data specified by the Buyer changes, it must be immediately informed by sending an e-mail to the address: The Seller is under no circumstances responsible for losses incurred by the Buyer and (or) third parties because the Buyer has provided incorrect and (or) inaccurate personal data, or has not updated them.
2.3. Personal data will be processed to identify the Buyer when selling and delivering goods, issuing accounting documents, refunding overpayments and/or money for goods returned by the Buyer, settlement of debt, fulfillment of other obligations arising from the Purchase Agreement, and providing the Buyer with access to E-store services .
2.4. The buyer's personal data will not be processed for direct marketing purposes.

3. Product prices, payment procedures and deadlines

3.1. The prices of the goods in the E-shop and in the created order are indicated in Euros, including value added tax of 21% (twenty one percent). Goods are sold to the Buyer at the prices valid in the E-shop at the time of submitting the order.
3.2. The price of the Product does not include the cost of delivery of the Product, which is payable additionally depending on the chosen delivery method and the amount of the Products to be delivered.
3.3. The buyer pays for the product by paying the invoice sent by the seller. The invoice is prepared electronically and is valid without a signature. The invoice is sent to the e-mail address specified in the Order.
3.4. The execution of the order is started after receiving the money in the Seller's bank account.
3.5. The Seller has the right, without prior notice to the Buyer, to cancel the Buyer's order if the Buyer does not pay for the goods within 2 (two) working days from the moment of submission of the order.

4. Assembling and delivery of goods

4.1. E-store sales and goods can be delivered using OMNIVA parcel or courier services in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, while delivery elsewhere in the world takes place using postal services.
4.2. The payment that is specified in the "Delivery" section of the E-store website and is valid at the time of submitting the order for goods is applicable for the goods delivery service. The payment for the delivery of goods can be both fixed and dependent on the quantity of goods ordered by the Buyer.
4.3. The Seller will make every effort to fulfill the Buyer's order in full, but cannot and does not give any guarantees. If, at the time of completing the order, there is no balance of the ordered goods or a sufficient quantity of the goods, the Seller reserves the right not to deliver the goods, to deliver a smaller quantity of goods.
4.5. If the Buyer has paid for the goods, the Money for the goods paid by the Buyer and not delivered by the Seller shall be refunded to the Buyer's account no later than within 5 (five) working days from the delivery of the Order.
4.6. The goods ordered by the Buyer shall be delivered to the address specified in the Buyer's Order. The Buyer undertakes to accept the goods himself or, when placing the order, to indicate in the additional information section the person who is entitled to receive the order on behalf of the Buyer (for the Buyer - a legal entity - this requirement is mandatory).
4.7. In the event that the Buyer uses the delivery method by courier and the Buyer or the recipient specified in the E-shop Order cannot be found at the delivery address specified in the E-store order, the Seller has the right to hand over the goods to any other adult at the specified address, but the Buyer does not have the right to tell the Seller any claim for delivery of goods to an inappropriate entity.
4.8. If the delivery of the goods is not possible due to the fault of the Buyer or due to circumstances dependent on the Buyer (the Buyer has specified an incorrect address, the Buyer or the recipient specified by the Buyer cannot be found at the specified address, etc.), the goods cannot be sent again (except in cases where the Buyer pays additionally for the repeated delivery of goods) , but the money previously paid for the goods is not refunded.
4.9. In all cases, the Seller shall be released from responsibility for violating the terms of delivery of goods, if the goods are not delivered to the Buyer or are not delivered on time due to the fault of the Buyer or due to circumstances dependent on the Buyer.
4.10. In those cases when, during the receipt of the goods, the Buyer has noticed that the shipment does not contain the appropriate quantity of goods or the delivered goods do not correspond to the goods he ordered and this is not indicated in the invoice, waybill, goods accompanying document or other delivery-acceptance document, the Buyer must immediately inform the Seller about this.

5. Product quality guarantee and expiration date

5.1. The characteristics of all products sold in the E-shop are generally indicated in the product description of each product or can be obtained additionally in the Products section of the website
5.2. The seller is not responsible for the fact that the goods in the e-store may not correspond to the actual size, shape and color of the goods due to their color, shape or other parameters, due to the characteristics of the screens (monitors) used by the Buyer or other technical reasons, as well as taking into account reasonably possible inconsistencies in the image .
5.3. The Seller undertakes to sell the goods to the Buyer in such a way that he is given a real opportunity to use the goods until their expiration date.

6. Right of withdrawal. Exchange and return of goods

6.1. The buyer has the right to use the right of refusal and unilaterally withdraw from the contract of purchase and sale of goods concluded in the E-shop, by notifying the Seller in writing no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the day of delivery of the goods. The Buyer sends a free-form notice clearly identifying the Buyer (name, surname) and the date of the order, about the exercise of the right of refusal, or the refusal form attached to the delivery document, duly indicating all the necessary data, to the following address: SIA "Cannelle Bakery", Satiksmes iela 3, Saldus, Saldus district, LV-3801 or by e-mail:
6.2. By submitting a written notice of the exercise of the right of refusal, the Buyer must return the product in accordance with the requirements of Clause 6.8 and the procedure specified in Clause 6.6 of these Regulations no later than within 14 (fourteen) calendar days after the notification of the exercise of the right of refusal has been sent.
6.3. 6.1 of the Rules. The right of refusal specified in paragraph 1 can be exercised only by the Buyer who, according to the provisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Law of the Republic of Latvia, is recognized as a consumer, i.e. i.e., a natural person who expresses a desire to purchase, purchases or could purchase or use a product or service for a purpose that is not related to his economic or professional activity.
6.4. The buyer (consumer) cannot use Rule 6.1. the right of refusal specified in paragraph 1, if any of the following conditions can be found:
6.4.1. the product is perishable or soon to expire;
6.4.2. the consumer has opened the packaging of the product, which cannot be returned due to health and hygiene reasons;
6.4.3. in other regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of May 20, 2014 no. 255 "Rules on the distance contract" in the cases provided for.
6.5. The buyer (consumer) has the right to submit a claim to the Seller for a product that does not comply with the terms of the Agreement in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and to use the rights provided for in the aforementioned law in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law.
6.6. The product that does not comply with the terms of the contract or the product in respect of which the right of refusal has been exercised, the Buyer sends by mail or hands it over free of charge to the Seller's warehouse Satiksmes iela 3, Saldus, Saldus novads, LV-3801, having previously agreed with the Seller by e-mail cannelle@cannelle. lv regarding the time of return and acceptance of specific goods. The costs related to the return of the goods are borne by the Buyer.
6.7. When returning the goods purchased in the E-shop, the Seller has the right to request the Buyer to fill out the goods return form submitted by the Seller.
6.8. Returnable quality goods, in respect of which the right of refusal is exercised, must be undamaged, they must not have lost the sales appearance of the goods (the packaging has not been opened and damaged, etc.), the characteristics of use and they cannot have been used. The goods must be returned in their original packaging, in the same package in which the Buyer received them, the purchase documents must be submitted. If the goods are not complete, damaged, messy or not properly packed, the Seller has the right not to accept the goods and not to return the money paid for the goods to the Buyer.
6.9. For goods for which the Buyer has exercised the right of withdrawal, the money paid without delivery costs shall be refunded to the Buyer's account no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the Buyer's notice of exercise of the right of withdrawal and the day when the returned item was received.

7. Exchange of information

7.1. The Seller sends all notifications and otherwise communicates with the Buyer using the e-mail address or telephone specified in the Buyer's Order form.
7.2. The buyer sends all notifications and questions and otherwise communicates via e-mail or telephone +371 63350084.

8. Termination Terms and Dispute Resolution

8.1. These Regulations have been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia.
8.2. The legal norms of the Republic of Latvia are applicable to relations that have been established on the basis of these Terms.
8.3. In the event of losses, the guilty party compensates the other party for losses in accordance with the procedures specified in the regulatory acts of the Republic of Latvia.
8.4. Any dispute that arises between the Buyer and the Seller shall be resolved by negotiation, with the parties to the dispute trying to reach an agreement.
8.5. If the dispute between the Buyer (consumer) and the Seller cannot be resolved through negotiation, the Buyer (consumer) submits a written submission to the Seller (electronically submitted submissions do not require a signature), which states:

  1. 1. your name, address and contact information;
  2. 2. date of submission of the application;
  3. 3. the essence of the dispute, your claim and its justification.

Copies of documents certifying the transaction, as well as other supporting documents (if possible) are attached to the submission.
8.6. Within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application, the Seller provides the Buyer (consumer) with a written response to the application and informs about the possible way of fulfilling the claim or resolving the dispute. If, due to objective reasons, it is not possible to provide an answer to the consumer's application within the above-mentioned deadline, the Seller immediately informs the consumer about it in writing, indicating a reasonable deadline in which the answer will be given, as well as justifying the need for such an extension.
8.7. If the Seller believes that the Buyer's claim is unfounded or is ready to offer the consumer another solution to the dispute, it shall inform the consumer of this in writing in accordance with Rule 8.6. within the period mentioned in paragraph The seller is obliged to justify the refusal of the consumer's claim.
8.9. If the Buyer is satisfied with the solution offered by the Seller, the dispute is considered resolved.
8.10. If the Seller does not provide an answer to the Buyer's submissions, Rule 8.7. within the term specified in paragraph, it is considered that the Seller refuses to fulfill the Buyer's request.
8.11. If the Seller refuses to fulfill the Buyer's request or the Buyer is not satisfied with the solution offered by the Seller, the Buyer has the right to appeal to:

  1. 1. In the Consumer Rights Protection Center to receive help in resolving the dispute;
  2. 2. Consumers' out-of-court dispute resolution commission, website:,
  3. 3. In the Consumer Dispute Resolution Commission, if the help provided to the consumer in the Consumer Rights Protection Center in resolving the dispute has not provided a result and it is possible to convene the Consumer Dispute Resolution Commission in the relevant area for consideration of the dispute;
  4. 4. in court.

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