Orange fried eggplant sauce


  • Krippu” crackers 
  • 2 medium-size eggplants
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons sweet paprika powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • A little cooking oil, salt, and pepper for frying


  1. Wash eggplants and cut stems with leaves. The eggplants are cut into about 1 cm thick slices, spread on baking paper, pour a little with cooking olive oil, add salt and pepper. Place the tray in a preheated oven 180°C for 30 minutes until eggplant slices are soft. Since every oven is different, watch your eggplants to not make them burn.
  2. When eggplants are ready, cool them and remove the dark bark. If the eggplant is thoroughly cooked, bark comes off very easily. It may be that little bark pieces still remain.
  3. Peeled eggplant slices into blender and puree. Add chopped garlic cloves, cold-pressed olive oil, lemon juice, paprika powder, salt, and pepper. Puree until a creamy mass.

*Recipes were published in "Dienas Žurnāli" in the magazine "Vasaras ēdieni". Photo and recipe prepared by Laine Rūdolfa, The Thriving Vegan blog author.

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