The tastiest American bagels in a place you wouldn't expect to find them

American businessman Alan Amron (born in New York, Brooklyn) tasted the best American Bagel (American Bagel) in his life during his trip.

Cannelle Bakery has been baking various types of bread and muffins in Europe since 1973, but only in 2017, when Alan Amron ate its baked American bagel for breakfast one winter morning, the bakery started selling bagels outside of Europe as well.

Since that morning, Alan Amron has been eating Cannelle Bakery's baked American bagels every day for months on end.

"I was surprised that a bakery in Europe can bake tastier American bagels than in America.

I buy bagels in 6-packs (quick-frozen right after making), then freeze and eat fresh or toast in the toaster.

No American bagel tastes this good!" says Alan Amron. If you eat breakfast, you must try Cannelle Bakery's American Bagels.

Cannelle Bakery's baked American BagelTM tastes so good that its recipe and baking methods are protected by the United States Patent Act.

We are looking for distributors in the USA and Canada.

See you on 25-27 for June at the Fancy Food Show in New York!

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