Received BRC certificate

We have successfully completed the regular certification of the company according to the requirements of the BRC standard and received the internationally elite certificate - British Retail Consortium (BRC) Global standard for Food Safety. Covid-19 has brought its own corrections in the course of certification as well. Last time, in May, the audit took place under special conditions - remotely with communication on the Internet. The certificate was issued for half a year, not for a year as usual. From October 13 to 15, the audit could be carried out in person, however, in the conditions of Covid-19, it was quite difficult. This was determined both by the increased security requirements of the company and the auditor's availability and his ability to come to Latvia. As a result, we can be proud that the audit was successful even in these difficult conditions, and this is confirmed by the received certificate. Special thanks to Egita Sprogė and the entire HACCP group for the work done. Also, many thanks to all the employees of the company, for whom compliance with the high quality requirements set by the company has become a daily norm and necessity.

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