Cannelle Bakery has completed RSPO palm oil supply chain certification

Cannelle Bakery has completed The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) palm oil supply chain certification. The RSPO, which already has 3,872 members worldwide, was created with the aim of improving palm oil production practices and ensuring the traceability of palm oil supplies from palm plantations to the finished product.

Major European food retailers and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) have made a public commitment to sell products (food, household goods, cosmetics) containing only RSPO-certified palm oil. This will give consumers confidence that the products they use are not only of high quality, but also do not contribute to the destruction of forest areas and the establishment of new plantations for the cultivation of palm trees. It is mainly environmental and social factors that give palm oil its bad reputation and stereotypes, even though it has been used by mankind for thousands of years.

The RSPO organization was created as a control body with the aim of protecting natural forests and endangered species of animals and plants from further destruction, as well as limiting the conversion of forest areas to plantations from which palm oil is extracted. The certification carried out confirms that in the future most products of SIA Cannelle Bakery will be produced according to the Segregated supply chain model, which provides for the physical separation of certified palm oil from non-certified palm oil sources, while at the same time allowing the mixing of palm oil from different certified sources of origin.

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